Vegan baby, toddler, and adult recipes along with lifestyle tips!

Feb 15, 2011

17 month old eating tofu on video

I thought you guys might enjoy this. I get asked alllll the time how I get my child to eat tofu. She has been eating it for the last 9 months without ever refusing it! It just happens to be one of her favorite foods :) She usually shovels it in and throws the fork to the side, but she was a bit camera shy today.


  1. Whats your favorite way to prepare tofu? I tried Caitlin's "perfect" baked tofu (found here: and DID NOT like it :(

  2. @princessandp

    This is actually my favorite recipe

    I also like mixing it with taco seasoning and using it as taco meat! You cook it the same way but just change the spices to taco/spicy seasoning. If you'd like, I can do a post on that as well! :) I have not had baked tofu yet since we usually stir fry it but it seems like it would lack flavor in my opinion

  3. @Vegan Mini Me

    I'm gonna try the taco seasoning tofu tomorrow.. would I follow something similar to your sloppy jo recipe? It seems simple but I'm a nervous cook ;)

    Thank you sooooo much for all of your help and advice so far.. I've decided to do it one step at a time. I'm slowly replacing all my beauty products, etc. with cruelty-free, vegan versions, and am cutting back on dairy too. Gonna make your mac&cheese tonight! :)

  4. My 20 month old loves tofu. I used to try to get creative cooking it, adding different sauces and flavors. In the end I realized she favors the sprouted tofu cold, cut into pieces with some steamed broccoli. Call me lucky, but it think it just starts with the parent, and what they chose from the very beginning, meaning, pregnancy!
