Vegan baby, toddler, and adult recipes along with lifestyle tips!

Oct 22, 2010

The Beginning

This blog was created to give insight to the true lifestyle of a vegan family. If you search for vegan blogs, you'll come up with a few results. Most of them consisting of a few recipes, or if you get lucky you'll find a few baking recipes full of ingredients you have never even heard of. Its true that being a vegan is pretty easy once you get used to it. Finding information to start off with is tough for a lot of people. Most get discouraged and don't bother trying because of the lack of vegan support from food stores, family, society, friends, and even the internet.

You CAN become a vegan and stay a vegan very easily, if you desire to.

All of my recipes are easy to create at home. I am a mother to a 13 month old little girl so my meals need to be quick yet nutritious, and definitely delicious. I get criticized a lot for raising a vegan child, although it definitely can be accomplished. Every pediatrician and parent-who-needs-to-share-their-2-cents tells me it can't be done and that kids need milk and eggs to survive. Many try to tell me to turn her into a vegetarian. We have seen a nutritionist already and she is on a great diet for her age so I can't believe all of the criticism from others. We both share the same dairy allergy (not intolerance) which is a pushing force for us to stay vegans, although she is allergic to more than just dairy. My boyfriend is not a vegan or a vegetarian, which is fine by us. We are not pushy. We cook for  him, but never taste. He will eat a vegan meal every now and again, and most of his meals are vegetarian just because we don't often cook with dairy products or eggs.  When my daughter is old enough she can decide for herself what she wants to eat, as long as it is good for her and she knows where it comes from.

This blog will be full of recipes, lifestyle tips, pictures, and general advice for living a fun, healthy, and beautiful vegan life.

I welcome comments, recipes, advice, and anything else you might have for me! 


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